Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's been .... how long???

I know it's been awhile... I am reminded often of how far we have come and I will never not appreciate that fact!  As Lexi begins elementary school, I find myself just wanting to make time stand still!  Just tonight, I found myself looking at old pictures and videos of our first days with Lexi. Honestly, each and every day we are reminded at how much she has grown and thrived despite our non-perfect parenting.  We know we are as blessed.  She loves us to a fault and we do so in return.  We love her smile... her laugh... and even her habit of wanting to sleep with us even if she just seems to want to push those little feet into our backs!  She is amazing and we can't imagine life without her!  That said, I'll certainly try to get back into the swing of blogging again!  I love how it documents the ordinary memories of our life!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two Days in a row! Amazing!

We are coming down to the last few days of tax season!  THANKFULLY!! One thing I can do during  this time is get Lj to bed and cook dinner so that Geoff can eat when he gets home and possibly have lunch for the next day.  I've fallen short on this the last few weeks.  Last week I was on Spring Break but spent all of it sick.  This week we've had something to do every day.  Monday. We took a visit to immediate med because I have lost my hearing in my right ear from last weeks infection.  (It just never ends!). So today, my late day, both Lj and I were more up for our normal routine.  Once we got home I began cooking dinner.  She was such a joy to have around!  She played, sang, and helped cook.  Then I put her in the tub where she continued to play.  I finally got her down about 8:45!  I know much to late!  One thing Lexi has done every since our adoption has been nap on a schedule.  She still needs it but the past 2 days have been different.  Hopefully she is getting used to less sleep. We had a great afternoon without Miss Cranky Pants.  Here's hoping for more non-cranky afternoons!

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Is it really April?

I hate to admit it but my blogging hiatus has been kind of nice.  I didn't plan it. It just happened.  Life gets more complicated every day with our little Lj!  That's not a bad thing, it just means we are busy enjoying our days with her.  I'm still not going to promise timely posts but I will try to do better.  I DO find myself posting on FB more lately just because I can more easily post from anywhere.

This is an impromptu post so I'm just going to go from here and find some pictures from our iPad to try to update the past months.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Very Jane

I interrupt this blog to plug a website that I love!  It's called Very Jane.  They have daily deals on all kinds of random things.  I get daily messages and each night I can see a preview for the next day on Facebook. They have an upcoming give away.  You should check it out at  

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

See What Silliness We Have Daily?

Angel's Antics Day 1

Look who decided to play with Lexi's ponies and eat her tootsie rolls?

And look who wasn't happy about it this morning!  It was too funny!

  And look who decided to put on Daddy's shirt and pretend to be Daddy? This child is wild!

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Someone must be being really good!

Tonight while we were watching TV, the doorbell rang! When we answered it we didn't find anyone but we did find a PRESENT!!  A present from Santa!  All we can figure is that Santa knew how good she was being and sent her a present.  He sent her Christmas Pj's!!  We were all so excited! The package was so freshly delivered from the North Pole that it was still cold!  Too bad, it's not cool enough here for her to wear then to bed tonight!

Look Who's Back!

We started to decorate the tree last night. Lexi was so much fun!  She's been wondering when Angel the Elf would show back up and this morning she got her answer.  We told her that he was waiting for us to show we were in the Christmas Spirit!  And even though our tree still needs some decorating, Angel came!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pretty Princess

I've been out of town at a Tech Conference and while I really enjoyed learning a lot of new things, I missed my sweet family.  I was so happy to get back home yesterday.  Today I had booked a very special appointment for Lexi at Roffler in town.  They were having a Princess for a day event.  It was so much fun!  Lexi had her make-up done, then her nails painted, her hair curled and a tiara put on... all by beautiful Princess Stylists.  They had cupcakes and juice.  Lexi loved her sparkly eye shadow and the spray glitter they put in her hair!  She was so funny afterwards and told her Daddy that they made her hair" tangley".  I had to keep reminding her that it was CURLED, not tangled.  It was a perfect Saturday activity to do with my sweet girl that I missed so much!

After we got home, Lexi dictated a post for me on her blog.  You can check it out here.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Lexi couldn't wait for Trick-or-Treating to begin tonight.  She got her bath and dressed in her Gypsy costume.  At first she said she only wanted to give out candy because we had trick-or-treated last night at school but after just a few trick-or-treaters, she decided she wanted to go out after all.  We went to a few houses and came back.

After it was all over, Lexi was so cute when she Skyped Grandma and YeYe.  He had a Halloween bucket and she got our candy and pretended to give him candy.  I'll tell you, she certainly has an imagination!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wild Adverntures for a Wild Child!

This weekend we took Lexi to"Wild Adventures" in Valdosta.  It's so much fun to go to places during the Fall without having to worry about it being incredibly hot.  They had a special Halloween Theme going on.  We can't wait to go back during the year.

Ready for the first ride! 

 There were lots of little kid friendly rides!

The animals were beautiful!  

 We've never been to a petting zoo where you not only petted the animals but groomed them too!

  A Corn Maze perfect for a little one!

 Yes!  This was for real! 

Daddy and Daughter's FIRST ride on a Ferris Wheel!

 What child doesn't love a Carousel? 

Back at the hotel, our little beauty didn't need any help falling asleep! 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sara was such a good sissy today and took all THREE of the kids downtown to the Beggar's and Scarecrow Walk and then to the Fall Festival at the First Baptist Church. I usually go with them but I just wasn't feeling good today.  From the pictures they took, it's obvious they had a great time! 

What a perfect Spider-man!

Two Super heroes and a beauty!

Brennen does NOT like photo opps!  

 From the looks of this photo, Brennen maybe should have been Superman!

This is the hard part... getting them OFF the bouncy things!

I'm with Lexi on this one... sit it out!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guess Where Lexi Went For a Field Trip??

Lexi's class went to the Ft. Stewart Firehouse today.  She was so funny last night when we were picking out her clothes.  She made SURE she told me that her teacher said they should wear jeans and tennis shoes.  If only she would remember and do EVERYTHING that we tell her!  LOL!

After we got home, we went outside to enjoy the fall weather.  She picked out her own outfit.  I think it's pretty styling!

While we were out side I took some photos of our CRAZY COCONUT.  This is all she wants to do these days!  She has wrecked the backyard!  She's constantly getting pine cones, sticks, leaves and bringing them onto the porch or worse inside!

 Who needs dog food when you can eat pine cones!!!  And later after we went inside, Lexi's fire hat became Coconut's latest victim!  Yup!  She ate it!