It's a BOY!
Well, today was the day! And how exciting it was!! Last night Sara dreamed that they were having a boy and she's said all along that it was a boy... and it IS! His name will be Brennin Matthew (not sure of the spelling for Brennin yet) and today he weighed 12 ounces! So tiny!! After Sara's appointment, we went to breakfast. Chris is a very happy daddy-to-be! Then after breakfast, Chris went to work and Sara and I proceeded to shop! There's no danger of this little one going naked. We shopped so much that by the end of the day, we had accidently bought the same outfit twice! I had bought it at the first store we went to and then on the way home Sara bought it again at the Carter's Outlet store! Not to worry though because Chris' brother is also expecting a boy this summer so we just passed it on to them. (And did I mention, the youngest brother found out his girlfriend is pregnant too! How funny is that Sara's mother in law has 3 sons and all of them are expecting babies!!!) I'm so excited... he can call me grandma, granny, gran, mimi,... I don't care. I just can't wait to meet my very first grandson and little nephew to Lexi. Wow!
Wanda, how exciting, congrats, love following along, and we are so excited for you!!!
congrats grandma, and happy CNY to you
The chinese gender chart was right again!!!! Sara got her boy, oh and I talked to Sara today. She said that her friend was supposed to have a girl according to the chart but they told her it was boy by the ultasound....she ended up having to get another ultrasound though for some reason or another and turns out it's a girl afterall. I'm telling you, this thing is right most of the time!
WooHoo....12 months down today! Lets hope the next few fly by!
Doncha love successful and fun shopping trips?! I think we've all done the "oops, I bought the same thing twice" thing at least once in our lives! =) Means you really liked it and now you can share the cuteness!
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