Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Dossier's View of China

I'll admit it... I'm procrastinating again. But anyhow, I just came across these pictures.

This is the CCAA building, home to our dossier for the last 10 or so months.

And this is a picture of the some of the dossiers that are gathering dust like ours. (Actually, I hope our dossier is in the review room. Currently, CCAA is reviewing dossiers for February. Hopefully by now, someone has blown the dust off of ours and reviewed it.

And this is where we want to be... the matching room. Once we're here, well be ever so close to referral time.

(And by the way, these pictures are courtsey of Love Without Boundaries.)

1 comment:

Dannye said...

Oh wait, I think I can see our paperwork, yes yes I can see it, and yours is quite close, but of course you are ahead of me, but hey I can see it!! This calls for a celebration (now if only it were true, I'll work on that part next, I just want to accept the unknowns right now, please don't make me).