Friday, October 30, 2009

2nd Dr. Visit

I had to take Lj back to the dr. yesterday. Her fever went away but her other symptoms got worse. I'll never understand why it is so hard for doctors to go ahead give some antibotics these days. She had to take them when Sable accidently collided heads with her and cut Lexi's lip with her tooth but yet when I brought her in with fever, coughing, sneezing, running nose, and diahrea I was told to let it run its course. Just two days later, we had all of the above still just no fever but we had a blistered hiney and red ears and throat. Had we waited through the weekend, she would have been in bad shape! This time we got antibotics and she is already showing signs of getting better! The waiting just caused 2 co-pays and Lexi a lot of discomfort.

Today we were going to take our little Bumble Bee out to downtown and go trick or treating at an event down there and then head to the church fall festival but seeing how she is only beginning to feel better, I don't think we will spend much time outdoors at all. We will probably spend a little time during daylight hours downtown and then head home. I don't want her out in the damp night air even if it is still 85 degrees here! As far as going trick or treating with Brennen and Christopher on Saturday, we shall see how it goes.

I've totally neglected my computer at night this week which is why there are no pictures. I've been so worn down by Lj that I go to bed after she goes to bed. So hopefully, I can get some cuteness posted again soon.

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1 comment:

Evelyn said...

So sorry to LJ is under the weather. I don't get the whole Dr. thing now a days either. I always equated a fever=antibiotics. Why make the poor babies suffer.. Hope she gets better soon.