Saturday, February 27, 2010

This Blog Post Was Interrupted by...

the Mama of all allergy attacks! Yesterday I attended a Photoshop conference all day in Savannah. I had the perfect plan of riding to work with Geoff (since I was only 3 blocks from his office) and having Panera for breakfast! Breakfast ended up being McDonald's since we didn't get up early enough. And our plans to meet for lunch were also changed since I opted to run for a really quick lunch with Melissa and Kellie thinking that we could eat dinner downtown before going home. No such luck! As soon as the conference was over and I began to walk over to his office, my allergies started. One of the first questions Geoff asked me when I got there was "do you need an allergy pill?" and then "do you need more kleenex?". I was so miserable that we skipped dinner and headed home. When I get like that the only thing that really helps immediately is to lay still with my face covered. So that's how I rode home. We picked up LJ and headed home. I took more meds, grabbed my extra special sock filled with rice and heated it in the microwave and hit the couch. So needless to say as soon as Lexi went to bed so did we. I hate allergies! I hate that the problems I have had lately are from the COLD weather! We have not had a cold winter like this in over a decade! I think most of us had forgotten what it feels like!

So about the Photoshop class.... there is nothing more frustrating to me regarding the use of computers than Photoshop!! It's not one of those programs that I can learn without help of instructions or personal help! And to think just when I was getting somewhere with Photoshop Elements I get this crazy idea that I can learn Photoshop CE! It must be the allergies clouding my mind! Melissa and I took the Pro class (temporary insanity!!) ... she is the fast learner, I"m the slow learner! I managed to do ONE thing that the instructor taught us yesterday! (Making a reflection out of a photo) Here's my one thing that I learned...

Actually I do think I will be able to do a panoramic shot now but I didn't have any photos with me to practice. Maybe later I'll give that a whirl.


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