Friday, November 25, 2005

A Wonderful sight !!!!

Houston, we have lift-off! Or in our terms... Houston, we have an FBI fingerprint date!! (warning to Samantha and Dan... we'll be inviting ourselves to your humble abode on Dec. 4th for the night!) We will be fingerprinted at 1:00 pm on the 5th in the great capital city of Georgia! After we returned home from shopping, Geoff went to check the mail and found a letter advising us of our appointment. People in the adoption community know how important it is to make this date... rescheduling means MORE WAITING TIME!! And even with my new quote about Patience, I just couldn't bare to have to wait some more. Now, if only when we get there the fingerprint clearance will not take forever! Everyone, please... Pray. Pray for patience (for me), pray for blessings from above, and pray of our baby Lexi.

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