Sunday, July 23, 2006

What happened to our Ladybug???

I've been gone to the beach for a few days with my sister. It was a great mini-trip to Hilton Head and we had an awesome trip. I was totally worried that I would "fry" in the sun on Friday and that would be it for me. On Friday, the only place I burned was from my kneecaps down. Not too bad although it was my fault for thinking I didn't need sunscreen on my below my knees because they are so hard to tan. Well, yesterday, I sprayed sunscreen on me every time I felt the sun warming somewhere on my body. I had brought SPF 4, 10, and 30. The 10 was Coppertone continuous spray. Let me say it works! Before we left he pool my shoulders and back began to feel like alligator skin. Even after taking a shower, I felt like that and couldn't figure it out. Finally as I rubbed, I realized that it was a build up of sunscreen. Even today, I've had to SCRUB it off of me. I find this totally amazing that SPF 10 could cling to ones skin so much. I think I have most of it off now. I guess I shouldn't complain since I was able to enjoy 2 days at the beach and not fry to crisp when my body was almost as pale as a vampire. At dinner Friday night, my sister pointed out that there was at least one other woman in the restaurant that was whiter than me. Very Funny.

The bad thing is I came home sneezing, eyes and nose itching, and all stuffed up. It could be that last night in my favorite hotel ever (The Westin... totally because of their Heavenly beds) I may have slept on the feather pillow by mistake and got my allergy to feathers all riled up or maybe I've had too many climates and beds this week. It was such a great week though and a great way to be ending the summer. I may as well stop sleeping late and get myself back into a work routine. I only have 5 more official week days before we are back to school! It would just be so my luck to have a sinus infection the last few days that I have. And speaking of lucky signs... what happened to my ladybug on our DTC ticker??? Does this mean that even the ladybug is tired of waiting for Lexi??

P.S. I totally recommend Hilton Head as an escape spot ANY time of the year. It's a beautiful place, with wonderful restaurants and relaxing beaches. (Thanks Geoff for sending us off on another sister trip!)

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