For the last few weeks Lexi has been obsessed with making an airplane out of Legos. She builds them at Mom and Dad’s and then pretends to fly them but when the pieces break apart she gets frustrated. So today, since she is on DAY 4 of doing great at potty training, I decided to take her to Wal-Mart to buy her one. We found one AND we found a much cooler Snow White costume (the other one was just $3 less and was already falling apart after just trying it on plus it fit perfectly which meant not much wear) than the one we have and we bought it. We also bought a pack of “Princess” underwear because she tells us regularly that she is a princess. (not our doing for sure!) Of course, the new dress is a bit too big but it is way cuter and will last longer. And of course, she will NOT smile! (this dress is a 4t on a barely 2t!)
When we got home, Carolyn and Brittney were here waiting on us. Lexi was so excited to go pee for them when we came inside. It is amazing to think that just 4 days ago, she had NO interest in it! Brittney and Lexi played so good and we all ended up eating dinner together. Brittney even gave Lexi a bath but then suddenly Lexi “broke bad” and threw her airplane at Brittney hitting her in the funny bone. We all know that this is not funny but funny at the same time. Our concern was teaching her that throwing was not nice and unacceptable. Geoff put her in time out (yes, fighting back his laughter much to my dismay!) and once he went back to talk to her told her to apologize to Britt. She had nothing to do with apologizing. We have not seen this side of her. In fact, he put back in time out and told her she would have to go to bed if she did not apologize. Nothing. So to bed she went. I went in there a little while later to talk to her about it and she told me she wanted to apologize but when we came back out it was as if the “cat got her tongue”. She never would apologize and we put her back to bed. I guess this is part of the stubborn side of Lj. I don’t mind her playing with boy toys but I don’t want her to become an aggressive little girl. I guess it’s lesson time.
On a more serious note, my Uncle passed away last night. Our family is mourning his passing but know deep in our hearts that he is in a better place. His funeral will be on Wednesday in South Carolina. Carolyn and I will be making it in a day trip and Geoff is going to take the day off to be a stay at home Dad. Please pray that our family will heal from the loss of my uncle, especially my sweet Aunt. She is one of the strongest women I have ever known and this has been hard on her. I pray for peace for her and our family.
1 comment:
We used to take M to the airport to watch the airplanes land. Oh that little LJ. What a stinker! I don't think you will ever have to worry about anyone running all over her for any reason! You and your family are on my prayer list!
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