Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Birthday America!


I’ve been saving these pictures from our vacation for today.  This was a flag that our next door neighbor flew.  Every morning he put it up at sunrise and every afternoon he took it down at 5:00. It was a beautiful sight.

June 362

 The next two were taken by John.  I loved them! 

June 043

June 049 

I think growing up I never really appreciated the meaning behind the 4th of July. For me it was a trip to Ft. Stewart to see the fireworks.  Growing up so close to a military town was/is not always easy.  And to be really honest, many of us “locals” didn’t really appreciate the military.  As a teenager I just looked upon them as being a nuisance (GI’s yelling and whistling at you, oh and all the fights at the Dairy Queen!).  But things have changed since then for the better.  The entire tone of the town changed when Desert Storm happened.  At the time I lived in a condo right outside of the base and could see one of the motor pools.  It was very disturbing to see them empty out as equipment was shipped overseas.  We’ve endured much more war since then and so many have given so much for the price of our freedom.  We live in the best country on the planet and are so blessed that we have our freedom and all of the military that continually fight for that freedom.  I feel blessed to live in the United States.  I feel proud of those in the military and their families that also give so much.  I am proud of my brother-in-law, John who couldn’t be more dedicated to his job in the National Guard.  And today as we celebrate the 4th of July, I just have to say “Thank you” to our military . . . past, present, and future.

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