Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's Getting Harder and Harder to Keep up with the Blog!

The closer we get the harder I find it is to post details that I certainly want to remember! I'm trying though! Below is a few pictures of the beautiful guilt that Gail made Lexi. We learned on Monday that the quilt has Lexi's name stictched in it! Every time I go in her room, I can't help but stare at it, pick it up and just gaze at it in amazement!

And look how it couldn't be any more a perfect match for the glider we bought at Target. Big Daddy Geoff also put that together! We were planning to go with something that would blend into the living room if we were to choose to move out of LJ's room someday but this one was on sale with free shipping so here it is! The quilt Gail made just tied the room together perfectly.
Here's the cute cake from Geoff's office shower! How cute it that!

And finally, take a look at Lexi's closet! Geoff installed a closet organizer a few Sundays ago. He's on a roll! Yes, that is all of her clothes! There is barely room for much more! But some of it will go in drawers once she starts wearing them. I just love the fact that Geoff has really done some "nesting" too!

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